Our Pre-Sale
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Date and time: February 13th, 23.00 UTC Place: https://avax.defilaunch.finance/presale Amount to be raised: 200,000 USDC.e
Pre-Sale Duration: 48Hs Pre-Sale Price: $1 USD Launch Price: 1 $DLAUNCH = $1.1 USD
Initial supply: 600,000 $DLAUNCH
Pre-sale: 200,000 (33%)
Liquidity locked: 90,910 (15%)
Partners: 171,590 (28.5%)
Pool Rewards: 87,500 (14.5%)
MKT: 50,000 (9%)
Date and time: October 2021 Place: DeFiLaunch.finance
Amount to be raised: 250,000 BUSD
Pre-Sale Duration: 72Hs
Pre-Sale Price: $1 USD (10% discount)
Launch Price: 1 DLAUNCH = $1.1 USD
Initial supply: 775,000 DLAUNCH Pre-sale: 250,000 (32%) Liquidity locked: 125,000 (16%) ApeSwap: 300,000 (39%) MKT: 100,000 (13%)
Users will be able to stake any amount, and their final allocation will be based on the number of funds they put in as a percentage of all funds put in by other users at the time the sale ends. In case that more than 100% of the target is raised, users will receive back any leftover funds when they claim their tokens after the sale. If 100% of the funds are not raised in the presale, the remaining tokens will be burnt.